Welcome to Toki Tako
Toki Tako is a Korean taco and ssam bar serving the tastiest bites of Korean cuisine in tortilla or ssam form. “Ssam” is a Korean word meaning “wrapped” and that is the direction of our menu. We want to provide a high quality, authentic and very flavorful introduction to Korean cuisine through ssam and tacos. We aim to deliver the best of Korean BBQ in an approachable and casual atmosphere. We want to educate and share with our customers our love for Korean food and culture and show how versatile it can be.
Ban Chan is another popular Korean term that we will be introducing on our menu. “Ban Chan” simply means side dishes. There are literally hundreds of styles of Ban Chan which range from simple veggie dishes, to dried fish, to kimchis, to pickles, to a never-ending amount of combinations and favors. This is the beauty of Korean food and is something we are really looking forward to sharing with all of you.
Please look through our menu here and when you are ready, you can order here.
We hope to see you all very soon
Kindest Wishes,
Kevin & Liz
Owners, Toki Tako